
The Spiritual Way

Lynn A Robinson

What does being spiritual mean to you? More important, how do you do it and still live in the real world of being a parent, going to work, and paying off the mortgage? Here are five suggestions for finding spiritual moments to connect with the sacred in your daily life.

Express Your Gratitude: There is research to support the notion that what you focus on expands. Begin your day with gratitude. Instead of lying in bed while thinking of your dreaded “to do” list, try something different. Before you open your eyes in the morning, quietly think about all that you have in your life and feel your thankfulness. Perhaps it’s the roof over your head, the warm blankets surrounding you, the healthy breakfast, and of course, your friends and family. Envision the day to come. Pray that you speak, think and act with love and wisdom throughout the day.

Listen for Your Inner Wisdom: Prayer is when we talk to God and intuition is one of the ways God answers. The next time you find yourself fraught with anxiety, check in with your Divine guidance. Intuition communicates via a still, quiet inner voice, a feeling, a symbolic image, a dream or an “aha” moment. Get in the habit of asking questions of your intuition and expecting a reply. “What could I do to feel calmer about the meeting this afternoon?” In response, you find an image coming to mind of a quiet lunch in the park by your office. Your intuition is connected to a higher wisdom that knows what you need. It will always lead you to peace, love, forgiveness, gratitude and faith.

Be an Angel to Someone Else: You probably know someone at your office or in your neighborhood who is down on their luck. Perhaps they’ve been experiencing ill health, they’re caring for a sick family member, or they may have experienced a recent financial setback. What could you provide that would be helpful to this person? Giving doesn’t need to cost money. You could shovel a driveway, rake leaves, provide a meal, offer to baby-sit, drive them to a doctor’s appointment, shop for their groceries, or simply provide a sympathetic ear.

Step Out in Nature: Take a few moments to step outside, rain or shine, and go for a short walk. You may see an unusual cloud formation, or a resilient weed pressing up through the pavement. You may feel inspired by the birds singing in the trees, hear a child’s laugh, or be especially appreciative of the clean air you breathe. Pay special attention to the natural beauty and abundance that God has created all around you.

Find Time for Quiet: The poet, Rumi, wrote, “Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.” Sometimes all we need to still our anxious minds is just a few moments of quiet. Spirituality doesn’t require hours of prayer or meditation each day. It can simply involve stopping what you’re doing in the midst of a busy day and taking a few deep breaths to connect to spirit. 

Robinson, a leading expert in intuition, is the author of Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity