
Human mind can perceive aura with higher senses

Yogi Ashwini

Have you ever wondered why two people look so different? Why is someone born in a rich family and the other in a poor? Or, why some people have an attraction that draws you towards them? If you have, then pause and be aware of the Sun.
All the planets revolve around the Sun, its magnetism holds them in their orbit. Something similar happens when you come across a person with magnetism. It is that attraction which the Sun has, a small fraction of it lies in that person.

In the physical world, this magnetism translates as the ‘aura’. Countless books have been written on the topic, many stories revolve around it and there was also a camera that claimed to capture it.
But what is the aura? Have you seen it?
Somebody else writing about it and you reading it cannot make the aura exist for you. For you to believe in the aura, it has to be your personal experience. Remember the Mahabharata at this time, Arjuna also wanted tangible proof and he wanted it from the lord himself. Only when the Lord revealed his true form did Arjun say, ‘Yes, now I have experienced’. Become that Arjun. For till you live that experience, it is a myth. And we at Dhyan Foundation do not encourage myths.

For the first experience of magnetism or aura, let us try to feel the navel centre. The Japanese call it ‘hara’, the Chinese call it ‘chi’ and the Vedic masters call it ‘manipoorak’. All cultures talk of the power it holds. Ravana died only when he was pierced at this centre. Japanese say you can survive an injury in any part of the body but piercing the navel is suicidal hara-kiri.

Close your eyes, take long deep breaths and become aware of the centre of the navel. Gently bring your hands close together towards the navel. Repeat a couple of times. Do you feel anything? Next, close your eyes and look at the point of ‘manipoorak’. Do you see anything?
What you see or feel is your first experience of the aura of ‘manipoorak’. Mail me your experience. The sensations and colours you perceive give an exact rundown on the condition of the ‘manipoorak’. However, it requires a specialist of Sanatan Kriya to diagnose completely the level of strength of a chakra.
Repeat the experiment at the centre of your chest, Anahad Chakra. There will be a difference in feel, indicating it is not the mind playing tricks. There exists something in your body which differs in character. This difference is the aura of the respective chakras.

At the Anahad Chakra, connect with your Guru and look for the form of Guru. You will be able to see it as a specific colour combination. Kirlian in 1939 is said to have photographed the aura, but let me tell you, the aura is not a physical trait or a magnetic vibration or a bioelectric field that can be taken on a machine built by the human mind. It can, however, be perceived by the human mind, through higher senses with the help of practices like Sanatan Kriya.
It is this aura which differentiates people. As one moves deeper in Sanatan Kriya, he/she can tell the difference in two people by the touch of the hand. This technique is also used by distant healers to correct ailments.

For now, you can use it to experience the subtler world of aura, which runs the physical you.

The writer is the spiritual head of Dhyan Foundation.  