
Life and love are one

Mata Amritanandamayi

Life and love are not two. They are one and the same. Love is the substratum of all that we do, feel, hear and see, including the whole creation. It is the purest form of energy and it alone has the power to transform.

We are born to experience and remain established in that undivided, pure and divine love. Our entire life is a search for that. Unfortunately, most people die without getting a glimpse of that pure love.
Love is like a ladder. Bound by unhealthy attachments, likes and dislikes, and all sorts of negativities, most people dwell at the lowest rung of love. Though we may call our physical and emotional attachments ‘love’, they do not constitute real love.

However, these attachments need not be discarded or rejected. Realise them to be the bottommost rung. Use them as a stepping stone, and climb to the next level. Keep climbing like this and don’t stop until you reach the highest point of love, which is God-realisation.
There are two types of love, binding love and liberating love. Whereas the former uses the language of the intellect, the latter speaks the language of the heart.

The language of the dry, rational intellect likes to argue and attack. Aggression is its nature. It says, “Not only I am right and you are wrong, but I have to prove this at all costs so that you will yield to me.” Controlling others and making them puppets that dance according to their tune is typical of those who speak this language. Its speakers try to force their ideas on others. Their hearts are closed. They rarely consider anyone else’s feelings.

Their only consideration is their own ego and their hollow idea of victory.
The language of the heart, the language of love, is quite different. Those who speak this language do not care about their ego. They have no interest in proving that they are right or that anyone else is wrong. They are deeply concerned about their fellow beings and wish to help, support and uplift others. In their presence, transformation simply happens. They are the givers of tangible hope and of light in this world. Those who approach them are reborn. When such people speak, it is not to lecture, impress or argue—it is a true communion of hearts.

Real love has nothing to do with lust or self-centeredness. In real love, you are not important; the other is important. In love, the other is not an instrument to fulfil your selfish desires; you are an instrument of the Divine, to be used for doing good in the world. Love does not demand sacrifice from others; it is selfless and gives only joy. In real love, you do not feel worthless; on the contrary, you expand
and become one with everything—all-encompassing, ever blissful.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is the language of the intellect that prevails, not the language of the heart. Selfishness and lust—not love—dominate the world. Narrow-minded people influence those with weaker minds and use them to fulfil their selfish goals. The concept of love has been distorted. This is why the world is filled with conflicts, violence
and war.

Today, the world needs to awaken its latent feminine qualities—such as love, compassion, patience and selflessness. Through these, we can awaken to a state of Universal Motherhood. Anyone—woman or man—who has the courage to overcome the limitations of the mind can attain the state of Universal Motherhood. In the state of Awakened Motherhood, one feels love and compassion not only towards one’s own children, but towards all people, animals and plants, rocks and rivers—a love extended to all of nature, to all beings. Indeed, to a woman in whom the state of true motherhood has awakened, all creatures are her children. This love, this motherhood, is Divine Love—and that is God.
The writer is a world-renowned spiritual leader