
Complexities of brain, mind and beyond

Remez Sasson

The brain performs complex operations, far beyond the capabilities of the most advanced computer. Without it, your body cannot function. However, it requires a certain form of energy to make it work, just like a computer, or any other kind of device or machinery. It is useless without this energy, the life force that operates it, and makes it carry out its work.

Just as each one of them requires electricity to operate, so the great computer, the brain, requires some sort of energy to make it work. It also requires some sort of pathways to transfer its commands to the body, and this is the role of the nervous system in the body.

Every device is constructed to do a certain job. The moment you switch on its button, electricity starts moving through it, making it work.

There are countless electrical devices and instruments in the world, each device or instrument constructed for a different purpose. There are also countless, different kinds of human beings. The brain of every person is different in size, capability and programming, and this creates differences in people’s beliefs, opinions, interests and behaviour.

The mind operates through the brain and influences its actions. The mind is a sort of energy that manifests through the brain. It requires the physical brain to manifest and to express itself.
The brain is like the hardware in a computer, while the mind is the software. As the mind is programmed to work, so does the brain act, and makes the body act.

People are different, and yet they are similar, in the sense that all brains and all bodies are made from the same stuff, even though they look different and behave differently. A jeweller can prepare various pieces of jewellery from the same lump of gold. Each jewel looks different, yet it is made of the same material. It is only the outer shape that is different. So it is with people.

It is the difference of the shape and colour of the body, together with the programming of the mind that makes the difference between people. Physically, it is the same stuff, but arranged differently. Mentally, it is the same energy, the same “mind stuff”, but programmed differently.
Past events, education and experience programme the mind, making it see and relate to life, people, and events, from a certain perspective.

People with the same physical characteristics and similarly programmed minds are often attracted to one another, forming groups. They see themselves as different from other groups. This is why there are many traditions, religions, nations, groups and political parties.

You can change the way your mind is programmed. You can make your mind learn to think differently. You can learn to master it, instead of letting it master you. The main tools for this change are concentration ability, using affirmations, visualisation, and inner peace.

You can go even further, and make your mind obedient to you. You can also, with some effort, rise above the mental programming. 

Concentration and meditation can lead you to this state, and they can bring you to experience something beyond your brain and your mind.

The mind is a wonderful tool, but there is “something” above the mind and above the brain. This is the power that makes them work and function. It has been labelled with many names, Spirit, God, Life Force, Universal Consciousness, Higher Self, etc.

The brain and the mind are essential for living and functioning as a human being, but there is something “higher” than them. Most people never think of this idea, and never care about it. There are others, who are aware of this power, and wish to be more conscious of it. Since you are reading this article, you most probably want to experience this “higher power”.

The moment you go beyond the programming of your mind, you become aware of a larger consciousness. To experience this consciousness, you need a broader viewpoint, beyond the mind.

The mind puts layers of thoughts, beliefs and mental programming that hide this vaster awareness. To see beyond these layers, you need to remove them. You need to be able to take off the coloured glasses of the mind, and look at yourself and the world without any bias. This can happen when you are able to calm the restlessness and constant chatter of your mind.

You can live within a limited consciousness, programmed by prior programming. You can see life in a limited way, alienating yourself from your deep essence. This is the way the majority of people live, but even then, there is always something within everyone, though hidden, which aspires higher. This is one of the reasons that religions came into being, to cater for this sublime, but often unclear aspiration.

You can also rise above all these, when you start learning to control your mind and awaken your deeper essence, through the practice of concentration exercises and meditation, and by becoming more aware of the thoughts that run through your mind.

Understanding how the brain and the mind work are fascinating subjects, and there have always been people exploring them. There also have been people throughout the ages, exploring the power that is beyond the brain and the mind. This is not the privilege of just a few, rare individuals, but of everyone, wherever they are.

Sasson is a life coach and motivational speaker