
Yog is the final frontier and the ultimate subject

Yogi Ashwini

What is the point of playing the best music in the world to a person whose ears are plugged? What is the point of showing the best scenery in the world to someone who refuses to open his eyes? What is the point of offering the finest delicacies of the world to someone who does not have the appetite for them?
Yog is the final frontier, a very serious subject.

If you are not ready to do the practices as told to you, there is no point in taking up yog. You will neither get the experience nor the glow because your higher senses will not awaken. Even if those senses are forcibly activated for some time by putting some energy in you and you are forcibly made to experience the same, it is not going to last.

After some time, you will turn around and talk about the same old things: business, relationship or health…. What is the use of seeing, listening or understanding, when your higher senses are not active?
There are two kinds of people. First is the kind in whom this sense is completely missing, and the second category is those who have the sense, but it is curtained with veils of maya. For them to experience the truth, these veils have to be removed.

‘Sanatan Kriya’ is the process of removing these veils. The practices that you are given, individually or collectively, are a process to remove the veils that have curtained your senses. When you do the kriya, you establish a connection with the guru tattva. It is like inserting the plug into a socket, after that the current will flow.

But the problem is that you do not want to put the plug. Despite having the sense, you are unable to experience it. You only perceive the creation by your five senses—see, touch, smell, hear and taste. You do not know anything beyond because you are veiled by maya. At times, I forcibly remove that curtain, you are made to experience what lies beyond. You see it, appreciate it, but after some time the curtain is back because of your inherent desires.

Yog is ‘ek tattva nirantar abhyas’. There are five basics to yog —one aasan (you do not change your aasan), one mantra, one guru, one isht and a single intent (that of evolution). If your intent is evolution, if your intent is of your guru, you can never digress from the path. And a guru does not teach you or make you understand anything intellectually, he just makes you experience.  

Once you have had your experience, focus yourself one-pointedly at that ek tattva, and that opens the doorways to phenomenal experiences of the subtler energies and one-on-one interaction with the devs and devis.
The writer is the spiritual head of Dhyan Foundation.   www.dhyanfoundation.com