
The power of love

Atul Sehgal

Love is the greatest and most powerful emotion. It is stated to be the seed of creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universe. It is supposedly the fountainhead of all positivity, all virtue. Love attracts one sentient being to the other, because it signals friendliness. Love is the magnetism that produces this attraction. Love colours the expression and conditions the action in a way that generates charm. Love is the foundation of peace, progress and prosperity.

When we humans talk of love, we refer to unselfishness, altruism and sacrifice. We refer to a desire of offering and giving unconditionally for the benefit of others. We talk of revealing, not suppressing feelings and information. We talk of truth and transparency. We refer to struggle and strife for improving the lot of our fellow men and women. We talk of uplift of the deprived and the dispossessed.

Love is the cement that binds humans. It is the quenching coolant that neutralises the heat of anger and hatred. It is the soothing salve for the stresses and strains of relationships. It opens the human individual to the treasure trove of knowledge and divinity inside of him. It is the bedrock of even proficiency and productivity at work. It is the catalyst of healthy growth and the power behind spiritual transcendence of man.

Prime metaphysical truths convey that the huge material universe was created by the supreme sentient entity God for the progressive development of the countless animate entities called souls out of sheer love for them. The same love forms the basis of the mechanism of regulation of the universe called into play by the creator God. The living souls were given bodies to enable them to refine themselves. The process of divine retribution works in the human population to provide the just reward or punishment to humans for their mundane karmas. Whether it is reward or punishment, in every case, the human soul after undergoing the retributive effect grows only more enlightened and refined. This working of the principle of divine retribution also is an expression of God’s love for his human subjects. He wants to see them happy and desires to see them progress every moment. Love is behind this desire.

Love is unselfish and hence is not necessarily reciprocal. It can be one-sided too. Love says it and says it eloquently that ‘I like you’ and ‘All my actions would be directed at your betterment and welfare, to make you happy’. The power of love is the ultimate power that is the basis of everything we see around us. It is the power that makes the distant sun shine and radiate heat and light to terrestrial beings; it is the power that supports life on this planet and all other similar life habitation planets that exist in the vast universe.
Where there is no love, there devils exist. Where love is lacking, life becomes a burden to carry along. Where love is missing, the dark demons of death become dominant. Love is the elixir of life. It is the immortalising nectar that helps a human to liberate himself from the ensnaring grip of material desires and attain bliss. It is the core and crux of religiosity and of spirituality.

Love has to be differentiated from lust. Lust is based on selfish and baser instincts, while love is a sublime element. Lust is the outcome of greed and acquisitiveness while love is the outward expression of selflessness and spirit of sacrifice. Lust and love sometimes may look outwardly similar but are so different fundamentally. Love in action leads to spiritual development while lust only consumes the body and the physical constituents of man. 

Love catalyses human actions for success and fulfilment. It is the greatest of synergy forces and the best balm for pangs produced by jealousy and hatred. It helps men and women to bring out the best in them and others. It is the language which is understood equally well by the lower beings—animals and plants. Best of all, it needs no language of words and syllables but only needs gestures and facial expressions to convey itself. If a man has learned the language, lesson and practice of love, he has probably learned it all. Nothing then really remains to be learnt.  

✥ It is a sublime element  
✥ It is the outward expression of selflessness and spirit of sacrifice. 
✥ In action it leads to spiritual development 

✥ It is based on selfish and baser instincts
✥ It is the outcome of greed and acquisitiveness
✥ It only consumes the body and the physical constituents of man

Love is the immortalising nectar that helps a human to liberate himself from the ensnaring grip of material desires and attain bliss