
Tech Guru - Arnab Raychaudhuri

Adarsh Matham

He uses technology to solve problems that are created by technology.

Ever heard of Tony Stark texting and driving? Me neither. That’s why we built HeadsUP!”, says the Indiegogo campaign page of HeadsUP!, a transparent smartphone-integrated windshield display. Labeled ‘The coolest advancement in car tech’ by the Boston Globe, HeadsUP! is the brainchild of Arnab Raychaudhuri, the founder of NeXt. Raychaudhuri, who is using technology to solve problems that are created by technology, describes himself as a DIYer who has a passion for taking apart machines at odd hours. His ‘passion for technology and thirst for entrepreneurship’ has led him to dabble with different ventures like a financial services outsourcing firm and a t-shirt logo company at an early age.

After acquiring a Mechanical Engineering degree from the Syracuse University, New York, Raychaudhuri did a short stint as a mechanical engineer at an engineering firm. Later he worked on Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign as a deputy field organiser at the Ohio Campaign for Change. This led to him getting a Presidential Appointment as a Policy Advisor for the United States Department of Defense. After four years at the Pentagon ‘representing the Obama administration in the oversight of the Army Corps of Engineers’, Raychaudhuri quit this year to pursue his dream of making cutting edge tech products for the consumer electronics market. His first product HeadsUP!, of which he is the lead designer and inventor, works with both Android and iOS devices and is supposedly so easy to use that even toddlers can use it.