
Tech guru - Ankit Gupta

Adarsh Matham

For a person born today, a newspaper does not necessarily mean a bunch of pages flinged into his home first thing in the morning. Today we get news served to us at all times using the web, and increasingly apps on our smartphones and tablet devices. One of the most famous news gathering apps is Pulse which in many ways has started the trend of making beautiful news applications. Launched for the iPad in 2010 right after its introduction, it has been hailed as the right product for the right device. Steve Jobs was bitten by it and went as far as showing it off in one of his famous keynote speeches. This won the app makers Akshay Kothari and Ankit Gupta an Apple Design Award in 2011. Gupta, who acts as the chief technology officer for Pulse, has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Before going on to Stanford University to pursue his Master of Science degree in computer science, Gupta has co-founded Polls, a platform that allowed users to create and embed custom-made polls. Conceived as part of the Google Product Prodigy Competition in Mumbai, Polls went on to win the competition in 2008. While at Stanford, Gupta has worked as an assistant researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine’s Biomedical Informatics lab. It was while at Stanford’s famous that Gupta and Kothari turned a class project into Pulse which was acquired by LinkedIn in April for $90 million.