
Wikipedia's Smart Apps

Adarsh Matham

If you are finding the interface of Wikipedia boring, particularly on the ultra high resolutions of modern smartphone screens, then these are the apps you need to check out

Wikiwand (iOS, Android, Safari, Chrome, Firefox/Free)

The makers of Wikiwand kept things simple. Without affecting the information treasure trove of Wikipedia, they redesigned the whole service, without losing any of its information density. It is available as a free app for iOS and Android and as an extension for the Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers. So, the articles are displayed in a beautiful format with the photos getting a prominent position and one can access the quick facts panels. The search itself is smart, and supports three languages simultaneously, which also removes the need to go through ‘disambiguation’ lists endlessly. Further, the links can be previewed quickly without leaving the article.

WOKwiki - Quizzes to Wikipedia (iPhone/Free)

There’s a perception that today’s young generation doesn’t enjoy stuff that are dull. Even though they fall back on Wikipedia for information and research, the blandness of the site often lets them down. So, WOKwiki came up with a new idea to make learning fun. To make the process more attractive, there are thousands of multiple choice quiz questions in English. The WOK stands for World of Knowledge, and the app also allows users to contribute questions.

das Referenz (iPad/`300)

Wikipedia is the online successor to the printed encyclopaedia. But the encyclopaedias have centuries of tradition behind them which showcase the culture and the style of the region and the time period they belong to. All of that was lost in the bland, minimalistic pages of the Wikipedia. das Referenz, the iPad app to access Wikipedia, brings them back. So you get beautiful typography, clear layouts, and playful interactions. With the images and the text clearly divided, the app is pleasant on the eye. The search results have visual previews, and you get one touch access to change the language, and can navigate through easy swipe gestures.

Matham is a tech geek.  Follow him on Twitter @AdarshMatham