
How to travel with kids without going crazy

Rachelle Chandran

Travelling can be a liberating experience, an escape from the daily rut, especially if one is travelling solo. However, if you are travelling with tiny tots and want to get away on a family vacation, you’ll need to keep some things in mind to make your vacation a blissful getaway instead of a blistered memory.

Things to remember on a trip:

Plan the trip around your baby’s naptime:

Crying babies can be a nightmare for both you and other passengers. While booking flight or train tickets, keep the baby’s naptime in mind.

Know your baby’s food intake, likes and dislikes:

Babies cry when they are hungry or when they are in discomfort like a tummy ache. Make sure your baby is well fed and take your doctor’s advice about the food you can give them.

Remember to bring your baby’s favourite toys:

Babies or kids get bored easily while travelling, hence to keep them occupied and interested, bring lots of toys, especially their favourites.

Also, travelling in different conditions may make your baby uncomfortable. Always carry their favourite snuggie. Colourful pillows with cartoon are also recommended.

Load your phones with game-apps:

If you are travelling with older kids who don’t yet have access to their own phone,  make sure that your phone has engaging games or audio books that will keep them occupied.

Make surprise bags or bribe treats for the children:

Take little brown bags or small tins and fill them with inexpensive toys or stickers, a little colouring book and crayons, anything that will keep them busy.

Make one for each hour you will be in the car or plane and pass them out accordingly. You can also wrap each food item with inexpensive paper to add an element of surprise. This will keep them content and happy, at least for a while.