
Nosing out a hot new beauty trend

Anika Mohla

Want a sharper nose without putting yourself under the knife? Try cramming two pieces of plastic up there. This is no joke. New Jersey-based company Nose Secret has got people lining up to pocket a new product that promises “nose correction without the cost or hassle of nose surgery”. Here’s how it works: Nose Secret offers you a pair of curved splints to place at the inside edge of the nostrils to make your nose look narrower and straighter, instantly. According to the company,  the “anatomic form and flexible material” of the splints allow for easy adjustment between the tip and the base of the nose and cause little discomfort. The splints create gentle pressure, lifting the top part of the nose and  narrowing the nostrils.

Nose Secret says the product can “slim a wide nose/ refine a bulky nose tip/ lift a bended nose tip/ straighten a crooked nose/ enhance the beauty of an ethnic nose (Asian, Black or  Hispanic).” Easy to carry around and use, the company says with practice, you can put in and take out the inserts within 20 seconds. You can use them whenever you want, except when swimming, sleeping or working out.

While they are touted as a cosmetic solution for photo shots and special occasions, some (obviously vain) people have taken to wearing the inserts on a daily basis—or so the reviews seem to indicate. The product is currently sold only online at For better fit and adjustment, it comes in five sizes: extra small, small, medium, large and extra large. For $34.95, you get three options: Kit XS, S, M is advocated for a small nose; Kit S, M, L, for an average sized one,  and Kit M, L, XL fits medium to large noses. Most men reportedly choose this size. Which nose will you pick?