
Rugs and Riches

Express News Service

Dutch design brand Moooi is launching a new company called Moooi Carpets with an inaugural collection of photo-realistic designs by Studio Job, Ross Lovegrove, Neri & Hu.

The company uses advanced technology to print designs directly onto carpet at a higher definition than has been possible before. Its printing plant can print everything from rugs to full-width fitted carpet and can produce one-off designs.The carpets are produced using a giant machine that measures 100 metres long. Its size allows it to print designs up to four metres wide in unlimited colours, without having to change the dye injectors in its Chromojet printer.

The brand’s collection is composed of three families: Signature, Moooi Works and Your Own Design. The 48 printed rugs in the Signature range include designs by Moooi co-founder Marcel Wanders, who has used crystal formations to influence a set of kaleidoscopic patterns and geometric graphics. British designer Ross Lovegrove has created a digital-inspired pattern made up of connected pixel-like cubes to cover one carpet and a close-up photograph of seaweed to adorn another.