
Attract Abundance with Feng Shui

Sbs Surendran

The eight compass directions in feng shui have a significance and relationship not just to the building but also to the occupant’s aspirations. Each of the compass direction represents one of the five elements in feng shui; the interaction of the elements and the usage of that specific compass direction hold great importance. Hence the layout and design of the building has a strong influence in terms of the energy flow  and the implications it has on the occupants.

The location of main door, bedrooms, toilet and the position of the stove in the kitchen are said to affect the occupants if not located correctly. Therefore, taking ample care in creating a feng shui-complaint layout would be beneficial.

Although most areas can be countered, a badly positioned toilet is quite challenging in terms of neutralising its ill effects. When toilets are not located  in favourable sectors, they are said to have an impact on finance, relationship and health. Especially, toilets in south-east and south-west sectors are considered to have a stronger negative effect, hence proper care in terms of design is essential. In the case of toilets in south-east and south-west, adapting simple remedies like wind chimes and crystals can mitigate the ill effects of the same. In case the toilet door is in line with the main door, it is said the energy coming through the main door rushes into the toilet and gets dissipated. To overcome this, one can place a partition, screen or suspend a wind chime between the doors to channelise the chi into other areas of the home.

Other sections in a property which need to be given equal importance are level of the land, cause and effect of immediate surroundings like cemetery and hospitals, and unpleasant view in close proximity to the property.

• Ensure that the main door is not having obstruction and it allows energy to flow in smoothly. Main door is the mouth from where the energy enters into the home and it carries the type of energy it gathers near the main door. Hence keeping the lobby and patio clean are equally important.

• Position of stove and the location of the kitchen are vital. Kitchen is a zone which has a clash of elements like fire and water, hence to ensure prosperity and good health, it is important to identify the best location on the piece of the property and utilise it.

• A bedroom is a personal space to recharge and rejuvenate our body. Its location directly affects the health and emotional well-being of the occupants. Positioning the bed with a solid head board and a wall behind is very important and choosing a sector which is free of feng shui affliction would ensure good health.

It may be difficult in existing homes to relocate toilets and kitchens if it is in the wrong sector, but one can adapt the basic tenets of feng shui while designing new spaces. However, to mitigate the ill effects of wrong locations of toilets and kitchen, and balance the overall energy flow, suspending three bagua coins in a red thread in the afflicted area is said to be beneficial. The coin has the ancient I-ching trigram on one side, with the flip side having the 12 Chinese zodiac symbols which together is a potent cure.

The writer is a master Feng Shui consultant and traditional vastu practitioner