
Enter the Dragon for Prosperity and Luck

Sbs Surendran

The flow of universal energy is quintessential for the existence of mankind. In feng shui, there are many unique approaches and methods to divert, impede  or harness energy into a building. The flow of such energies is said to usher in prosperity into the lives of occupants. By adapting the techniques of feng shui comprising complex calculations, compass directions, analysing the interaction of the five elements and its cause and effect, the building can be designed to benefit the occupants and surroundings.

By using the skillfully designed tool known as a Loupan, the feng shui compass, a lot can be revealed and understood to gain insight into the important aspects of a specific place. The compass directions are classified further on the basis of the Chinese zodiac sign, and the 12 animals are distributed around the dial such that each of them occupies a specific sector, element and aspiration.

Of the many celestial animals, the mythical “dragon” has a lot of significance and is considered an important part of feng shui land form and energy flow analysis.

The dragon is the most auspicious and magnificent, mightiest and most sacred of all creatures and is treated with great respect in the oriental culture. It is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac and its intrinsic element is earth and occupies 97.5-127.5 degrees of the compass scale. The allies for dragon are the rat and monkey, and the secret friend is the rooster.

Dragon is representative of the ultimate ‘Yang’ energy symbol, male vigour, courage and bravery. It is magnanimous, full of vitality and strength. Affiliated with the cardinal direction “east”, the figurine or an image of a dragon becomes a potent symbol when placed in this sector, though it can be placed in other directions as well.

In many of the Chinese sculptures, statues and monuments, the symbol of dragon would be quite noticeable. It is depicted holding a ball or a pearl which symbolises success and victory in wealth attainment and career advancement.

To adapt the symbolism of dragon in home or place of work, it can be placed almost in any part of the building; however, when oriented in some specific sectors, it stimulates and activates the chi of the space.

• Placing a figurine of dragon in the East sector of living room is said to bring in good health and harmony.

• For persons who belong to the zodiac dragon, which is based on an individual’s date of birth and time, placing dragon in the east would be beneficial.

• Metal Dragon can be used as an amulet to ward off evil influences, sickness, and prevent hostility. It also mitigates conflicts, fights and mishaps as a metal dragon is said to be potent in dissolving such energies.

• Placing a dragon figurine in the north enhances

career luck and helps climb up the career ladder.

In many parts of Asia and South-East Asia, dragon symbolism has been adapted quite successfully and most of the affluent business houses avail the guidance of a trained feng shui master who helps in designing a prosperous layout and empowers it further with an auspicious symbolism.

The writer is a master Feng Shui consultant and traditional vastu practitioner