
5 Most amazing robots

Bala Subramaniam N

Here are 5 amazing robots that can do anything from dust rooms to having an attitude or be your companion for life.


From folding your laundry to getting a beer from the fridge, from cooking to dusting, this robot can be programmed to do it all. PR2 was initially designed as a common hardware and software platform for robot researchers. The best news, this robot is available online.


This robot holds two Guinness World Records—for being the first companion robot in space and for the highest altitude for a robot to have a conversation. After all, Japan’s first robot astronaut had stayed 18 months aboard the International Space Station. Apart from features like voice recognition, natural language processing, facial recognition etc., Kirobo is also specially designed to navigate in zero-gravity environments.

Bionic Man

He walks, he talks and has a beating heart, but he is not human. He is the world’s first Bionic Man. No wonder, it was built to showcase the advancement of medical science. A total of 28 mechanical body parts, sourced from 17 global manufacturers, went into making it. The Bionic Man has a heart called as Ariz.


Don’t feel like stepping out of the house but have an important meeting to attend? Meet Double, it creates a physical presence for the user at school or work when he or she cannot be there in person. Double lets you work from anywhere and can be remote-controlled.

Actroid F

Not only does it look like a human being but it also behaves like one. It imitates human-like behaviour,so much so that if it senses a slap coming, it can quickly move out of the way or retaliate.