
The memory powerhouse

Hemant Kumar Rout

He has a way with human mind and understands its dynamics. Meet memory trainer and neurobic expert Dr Atal Bihari Mallick who knows how to channelise thoughts into reality.“When someone thinks deeply, it is not the conscious state of mind but the subconscious one that plays the main role in manifestation. The subconscious mind can be used for quick manifestations. In fact, the decisions we make in life are a direct manifestation of what our subconscious mind is programmed to bring. It is the mechanism of manifestation that is generally triggered by the power of mind,” says the 38-year-old.

A native of Ambasar village near Odisha’s Sukinda valley—a chromite-rich area—Mallick researched on brain, mind and memory power and developed a system to memorise any information related to numbers. The Number To Image (NTI) convert system can help a person memorise a long series of number like value of pie, atomic number, atomic mass, boiling point, melting point, historical date, articles of constitution and things related to subjects such as physics, chemistry, geography, history, geology, economics and statistics.

His unique Matho-technique also works wonders for fastest addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square and square root. Using the technique, many a children have made national records. Recently, a nine-year-old was appreciated by Hindustan Book of World Records for his attempt to multiply a 50-digit number with a single-digit number.

For humans, memorising through visuals is much more powerful than listening to something or tasting something. “The left brain of human mind controls logic, analysis and calculation, whereas the right one controls creativity, emotion and memory,” says Mallick, who has set up a centre at Satyanagar in Bhubaneswar to improve memory power in kids.

Besides imparting them training through creative visualisation with the help of catalysts like exaggeration, ridiculous thought and law of oddity, he does research on how to activate their memory centre.
With two other experts—Dr BK Chandra Sekhar and Dr Biswaroop Roy Choudhury—he has invented a neurobic machine, which measures the state of mind. The device is capable of detecting whether the mind is in alpha or beta state. For the device, he has been featured in India Book of Records.

Mallick, who has authored Master Memory and Golden Success, says, “When we are actively awake, we are in beta state of mind. It has the brain wave activity between 14 Hz and 30 Hz. When brain wave activity slows down to between 7 Hz and 14 Hz, you are said to be in an alpha state. It is considered a relaxed state of mind that allows to be more receptive, open, creative and less critical.”

Through this, students can be taught about the power of mental energy, which converts into memory power. “Learning to access ‘alpha’ at will helps in enhancing a person’s memory and creative intuition. If anyone is able to use this technique on a regular basis, the person can easily cope with stress,” he says.
It took Mallick about two years to invent neurobic machine. “I had enough knowledge on how our thought patterns, frequencies and body resistance are inter-related. It worked as a mechanism to develop the powerful device,” says Mallick, who developed interest in memory power  when he was a kid.

The mind manager

A native of Ambasar village near Odisha’s Sukinda valley, Mallick had interest in  research on memory power since childhood.

He devised a method of page-wise memorising of Oxford Dictionary words, which helped kids
of the state a lot.

After doing PG in Psycho Neurobics from Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, he got a PhD in Psycho Neurobics from Yoga-Samskrutham University at Florida in the US.