
How thyroid affects skin and hair

Dr Nivedita Dadu

Our unhealthy lifestyles often result in a common health problem known as the thyroid disease. A butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck (thyroid) secretes hormones that regulate growth and development of the human body. A fluctuation in the level of secreted hormones has severe effects. These changes impact the body’s temperature, metabolism and blood, heart and nervous system functions and can also affect the skin. If the thyroid secretes extreme hormones, it can cause alarming deviations
to the hair and skin.

Sweating and discolouration in palms and soles along with delayed healing of wounds is a common effect of this problem. People affected with thyroid often complain of sweaty palms and soles unnecessarily. It may also lead to extreme dryness of the skin which can cause eczema, premature wrinkles and fine lines. Thyroid results in causing the skin to be furrowed even before the age. This makes people looking older at an early age.

Even our hair is majorly strained by thyroid problems. It makes hair to become dry and brittle, and impedes proper growth. It hampers the growth of the eyebrows as well. Even the growth of nails are obstructed when there are thyroid problems. They tend to grow slower and are often weak.

People with thyroid also have dark spots or pigmentation on their back, neck, elbows and face. Some people can even develop vitiligo, which is a skin disease that occurs due to damage of pigmentation cells. In extreme cases, an overactive thyroid causes intense inflammation of the body. The eyelids and the hands tend to get swollen, and redness can be experienced. This condition is known as Myxedema. The cell regeneration process is ruptured which causes the dead skin to shed. This further deteriorates the
skin and scalp condition.

There are thyroid disruptors present all around us and they are rapidly taking over our wellbeing. To avoid the effects of thyroid, it’s important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking, starvation and crash diets. Do not over-exert yourself and say no to extreme endurance exercises and detox methods.

The author is the Founder and Chairman, Dr Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic