
Asian Fight Club: A look into martial arts from around South-East Asian countries

Express News Service

Most martial arts find their home in Asia. Movies such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Ong Bak have made us familiar with Karate, Taekwondo and Judo. Here’s an itinerary of South-East Asian countries from where the deadliest martial arts originated and can be witnessed. 

Goju Ryu, Japan: One of the most important aspects in this form is to be able to ‘kill (or disable) an opponent in the shortest time possible’. It was developed by Okinawan masters during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Eskrima, the Philippines: Eskrima is a Filipino martial arts form where the training begins with weapons. Empty-hand methods are also core parts of the art as the weapon is considered an extension of the body.

Silat, Malaysia: This fighting style purely focuses on violence. There are various styles such as bersilat, langkah silat, kuntao silat and kali silat, which use techniques varying from using body wright to nerve strikes.

Hapkido, Korea: This is characterised by joint locks, throws, and dynamic kicking techniques. Hapdiko is unique among other Korean martial arts (Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do) in its emphasis on deflecting an opponent’s attacks instead of forceful blocking.

Muay Thai, Thailand: Also known as The Art of Eight Limbs, this form of fighting relies heavily on elbows and knees, which the Thai count as limbs. Hard, lightening fast knee strikes form the backbone of this deadly fighting style.  

Lethwei, Myanmar: Burmese national martial art of Lethwei, formerly known as Burmese Bareknuckle Boxing, is where the fighters literally use their knuckles to fight their opponents.