
Mindful decor the way to uplift your spirits

Era Chandok

Mindfulness is a state of calmness, being grounded, and being aware of your existence in the present moment.

An old world practice arising from Buddhist and Hindu principles, mindfulness is a great part of the wellness culture that rules the modern society.

Mindful decor is inspired from earthing, grounding woods and simple lines, natural fabrics and clean simple lines favouring uncluttered spaces.

Mindful decor begins with a simple principle that everything serves a purpose—decor that connects you to your roots or contributes to your home in a positive way.

Reclaimed woods and handmade furniture cultivate a mindful space and bring in good energy. So, recycle old furniture by repainting it or repurposing it.

A large coffee table made from old doors which still has remnants of old paint, sofas made from old beds and patchwork sari pillows scattered around on the floor make for a picture perfect and nourishing decor, doesn’t it? The more items you reuse and recycle, the more mindful you become of preserving good things and avoiding waste.

Add colour by thinking of your favourite place. The dark green of a lush rain forest or the endless blues of the ocean, the stunning bright sunlight or the glowing embers of a bonfire, colours that bond with your aura and permeate your being.

As for ambience, a wall sculpture of Buddha carved in rustic natural woods or a colourful Krishna, playing the music of life and giving you direction as you look into his peaceful serene eyes.

Cascading water in a fountain with crystals will add to your serene mood. As will a host of green plants all around.

As for fabrics, stick to natural fibres like cotton and silk.

Indeed, a mindful home sees beauty in every corner of the house.Source: Ezine Articles