
Mysticism goes mainstream

Ayesha Singh

Like most of her peers with a scientific temperament, 29-year-old Sonakshi Aggarwal dismissed her mother’s plea to see a pranic healer.

This was despite her worsening lumbar spasms. She had been to several orthopaedics but none offered a satisfactory solution. Soon, nights turned into nightmares and days were a blurry mix of pain and discomfort.

As a last resort, Aggarwal decided to see the healer. What she had once labelled as irrational, has today become the centre of her academic pursuit.

Aggarwal is studying to become a pranic healer. “My foremost aim is to help naysayers who are unaware of the power within the human biofield. It can cure and create miracles, just like it did for me,” she says.

Energy medicine gets serious We first cringe, then accept. The understanding of the biofield has moved from the fringes into the mainstream.

The immense potential of electromagnetic, light and sound interventions are being explored to heal the anatomy. “This seemingly physical body is also just a total of light, sound and electromagnetic frequencies.

The areas that these therapies apply to are limitless. These manifest into the physicality of ease and disease, often harmonising the subtler spheres, leading to profound healing,” says Dr Apurve Mehra, a reiki master and Sintergetica practitioner, also the founder of Biogetica and Corival  Life Sciences.

In each of these interventions, the process followed involves witnessing changes in the pulse when one is exposed to certain light and sound frequencies in specific meridians and chakra points, he explains.

The body via changes in pulse, tells us what light and sound frequencies it needs to be tuned into. “It takes about 40 minutes for one session but generally results in a noticeable evolution and shift in cellular comprehension,” says Mehra.

Becoming popular
While acupressure, reflexology and reiki are common schools of energy healing, others are beginning to find takers. Some of these are: Qigong Simply put, the practice involves precise coordination between the eyes and the body through a series of synchronised movements. “This Asian yoga form is all about channelising one’s willpower to tap into energy through the palms. Movements with specific breathing frequencies stimulate energy meridians running through the body, thus allowing one to connect with the universal energy that stores tremendous healing powers,” says Roshni Sharma, a Mumbai-based healer.

Crystal therapy
It’s a talisman for possibly every kind of cure, according to  Gurugram-based healer Roshie Sarna. Adults and children with asthma, spondylitis, migraines, insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle, anxiety, depression… even attention deficit disorder are seeking treatment from crystal therapy. “And why not? Energy is at the apex of whatever we do. It’s belief-based, more than evidence-based, and people are beginning to understand that science cannot explain everything. Besides, energy medicine is not for those who question. It’s for those who accept,” she says.

Therapeutic touch
It was developed in the ’70s but is finally finding takers. Practitioners typically ‘sense’ your energy through touch. Eight regions are considered as energy centres, and it is through these that therapists investigate where there’s an energy block. It’s then relieved by following a step-by-step motion of hands over the affected area until the therapist can feel the blockages in the body dissolving. “Energy medicine is taking us closer to our inner wisdom. It’s creating a space for the body to self-heal with tools that work on the spirit and not the body. It’s not about fixing a problem but about re-configuring your emotional code to avoid any energy leakages,” says Sharma.

The ultimate tool for each of these to be successful is awareness. “We live drowned in emotion but in reality, we are not the emotions we are. We are the ones that witness these emotions. We need to separate ourselves from what we feel to know who we are,” says Mehra, adding, “Tools such as resonance archetype morphing, laser acupuncture and pulse diagnosis can help a practitioner figure this flow and enhance it. Any healer or medicine is a quantum leap on the probability tree of life. However, one must walk the path alone. And the patients that heal best are the ones that take all the responsibility for their energy fields. One cannot fake it in the world of energy.”