
The right answer is to the left

Ayesha Singh

If you are going to do something, make it count. Even if it’s sleeping. Considering we spend more than a third of our lives in slumber, awakening to the many benefits of sleep is only wise. Add to this, the understanding of the right way of sleeping, which positively impacts everything from the brain to the gut. Which among the two sides is this? The right answer is to the left. Recommends Dr Virend Somers, a cardiologist and the Director of the Sleep Facility, Mayo Clinic’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science, who says that there is a host of evidence that suggests that probably sleeping on the left is better.

Seconds Gurugram-based somnologist Deepak Mathur. “It’s called the ‘dreamer’ position. Besides maintaining proper posture and managing pain, it prevents the respiratory airways from getting restricted. Sleeping on the left side is known to improve blood flow. It also puts less pressure on internal organs,” says Mathur, adding, “Our bodies may appear symmetrical on the outside but on the inside, our organs are placed asymmetrically. The stomach and pancreas are on the left. The way we lie down to rest makes a huge difference in how food is processed. The elimination process can be accelerated by sleeping on the left.”

There are special advantages for expecting mothers, according to Ayurveda. For one, it reduces heartburn. It also prevents gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. “Left side sleeping improves blood circulation to the foetus, the uterus, kidneys and the heart. Since the liver is on the right side of the body, sleeping on that side isn’t the best thing to do as it may put pressure on the organ,” says Pune-based Ayurvedic practitioner Bhim Shankar. “Not many know this left-side sleeping regulates the lymphatic system—a cluster of tissues, vessels and organs that work in unison to transport the lymph fluid back into the blood. This is a part of the immune system that protects the body against germs and viruses,” he says.

Spleen function is also said to improve by sleeping on the left. This lesser-known part of the lymphatic system that is responsible for filtering the blood, and storing blood cells, while getting rid of old ones, is located on the left side of the abdomen. “Gravity plays a big part here as it helps in the drainage to the spleen, making its functioning easier and smoother,” he says, adding, “Another thing hardly spoken about is the function of clearing cellular waste from the brain called interstitial waste. This is an important aspect of brain homeostasis that ensures optimal functioning of cerebrovascular and parenchymal brain cells and simply sleeping on the left facilitates this process,” says Shankar.

To make sleeping on the left side (fetal position) more comfortable, curl up without tightening muscles. Keep them loose and relaxed. A pillow can be put between your knees if you suffer from back or hip pain.

All Sides of the Story

Sleeping on your stomach This is the worst position to sleep in and can cause muscle soreness, especially in the neck. The back takes a hit too as most of our weight is in the middle of your body and lying on the stomach makes it difficult to maintain a neutral spine position.

Sleeping on your back is Not advised for those with sleep apnea or those who snore. Having said that, sleeping on your back maintains back alignment, thus reducing the chance of joint pain.

Sleeping on your right side increases the chances of acid reflux. It can also put pressure on the liver.