
Fire signs and how to make up after a fight with them

Nitin Manchanda

Aries March 21–April 19

They are quick tempered and during that phase they find it difficult to hold back their anger and reveal their deepest feelings. However, if one is being honest and sincere with them, they do not stay angry for long. One should not beat around the bush with them, but rather ask for their forgiveness and admit the wrongdoing. One should stick to their word as Aries have no tolerance for broken promises.

Leo July 23–August 23

As Leos are very proud, they will not offer a peace deal from their end. The other person has to take the initiative and not only take the blame but also restore the relationship in a dramatic and exaggerated manner, much to the joy of a Leo. Flattery and apologising profusely for the misdeeds will help one to balance out their equation with Leo. They can break the ice by showering Leo with gourmet chocolates, flowers or anything lavish like expensive dinners along with dressing well and unusual presents. Once Leo is confirmed of the hard work put in to gain their trust, they themselves will get back in other person’s life.
Sagittarius November 23–December 21

They are not grudge holding people and thus it is not that hard to cheer them up. Being optimistic, they prefer enjoying a happy life rather than nursing grievances. In order to keep them happy, make a warm and affectionate peace offering. Also keep an open mind when conversing with a Sagittarius as they do not appreciate being held on to arbitrary rules. Sagittarians place greater emphasis on social relationships than romantic ones. Thus if one becomes friends with their group, they have an easy approach to the reconciliation. Convince them by words and deeds that the mistakes won’t be committed again and that one is ready to confess. Take them out on a little excursion like a vacation after the reconciliation in order to build up the bond.

Nitin Manchanda
