
The Global Harmony Rulebook

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

With all the faculties bestowed upon human beings, you would think human beings are the most harmonious beings on earth. But if you look at history, the world has never really been peaceful. People have been fighting for food, for wealth, over boundaries, and people have been fighting and are still fighting for their gods. We have always found an excuse to fight. These days, people are saying, “We are going to make peace in the world.” People are always thinking of solving the world’s problems with belief systems or kindness or goodness. It is not going to happen. These things have been talked about for thousands of years, and nothing has come out of it. Trying to save the world with your kindness is like trying to fix a dam that has burst with a band-aid. Maybe you will have the satisfaction that you did something, but you are not serious about fixing the problem. 

There have always been people with good intentions on the planet. Ninety percent of the population has good intentions, but they are disorganised. Two to three percent of the people have their own devious intentions, and they are organised. This is always the reality in the world. Because this two-to-three percent are organised, they are the people who take the world in whichever direction they want. Forces of anger and hate have always been well-organised on the planet, while forces of love and compassion have always remained disorganised. It is time we learnt to organise the forces of love and compassion. 

Anger gets easily organised, but to organise peace and love, and concern and care, takes enormous effort because it takes individual transformation. This is not about going onto the street for a day and shouting in a peace rally, nor is it about sitting in a five-star hotel talking about peace in the world and then going home and forgetting about it. If you want to transform individual human beings, it is lifelong work. Even if you work your whole lifetime, you can be sure the work will not be complete.

If you wear your life out doing this, still all that you would have done is just a drop in the ocean. Only if you are ready for that, you must take up individual transformation. If you are thinking of completing something before you die, you should not take up this job. Just shout in a peace rally, throw stones at somebody, cause a revolution and think it is done. But it will never be done. Everything will be back to square one again. 

Yes, politically, internationally, something needs to be done for immediate purposes, but if you are thinking of a long-term peace programme in the world, then at least all the leadership in the world should know how to be peaceful. Without being capable of bringing peace into your own being, there is no way you are going to be capable of bringing peace to the world. Whatever you are seeing in the world is just an enlarged projection of your mind. If you cannot keep your own mind peaceful, if you cannot control a bucketful of water in your hands, where is the question of you marshalling the oceans? It does not arise.
The world is not a globe.

The world is its people. If we do not work for individual transformation, if we do not look for ways of making the individual peaceful, talking about world peace is just one more entertainment in the world. So if you are really concerned about peace, it takes individual transformation. Only if you are willing to transform yourself and every human being, only then will this effort produce results in the long-term.Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, visionary and a bestselling author. He was conferred 
the Padma Vibhushan in 2017. Isha.sadhguru.org

The world is its people. If we do not work for individual transformation, if we do not look for ways of making the individual peaceful, talking about world peace is just one more entertainment in the world.