
If you can’t help, at least do nothing

Sathya Saran

The counting is still on. 

Friends. Relatives. Acquaintances. Colleagues, past and current. Neighbours. Others, nameless, unknown. Sick, infected, recovering, critical, dead. News comes in all colours from despair to hope. But black is a strong colour, and easily overwhelms even the slightest ray of hope as it struggles to shine out.

Earlier we counted numbers. So many infected, this many serious, this many fatalities. Now we count names, as the circle draws itself close. Every passing day the screw turns tighter.  Helpless we point fingers. Gathering our frustration, our anger, trying to dump our burden of helplessness somewhere. The guilty are everywhere. Their souls tarred by the sins committed. Sins of commission, of omission, or denying help, of withholding help, of turning away, of hoarding, profiteering from the suffering and need of others. 

But there are others guilty too. The careless ones, the ones who refused to believe, the ones who laughed at overcautiousness. The overconfident ones, the ones who would not heed.  Some guilty in great measure, some carrying just a light stain on their conscience.  Let who among us who has not been thus guilty point that finger first, cast the stone of blame on the other. For each of us has erred in some way, making light of something much bigger, more formidable and deadlier than the imagination could paint. 

But for now, the agenda is different. Not to mull over what can’t be undone. Instead to save, salvage, protect. To be safe. To follow rules that will prevent more names, our names, being added to that unending list. To offer what can be given. Help in cash or kind. In word or deed. A shoulder to rest a weary head or cry on. A smile to chase away a tear. A light to brighten the tunnel and show the way out. A word of thanks.

And if there is nothing that can be offered as help for whatever reason, to feel no guilt. Just keeping out of the way, and not adding to the numbers that are breaking the system by contracting the virus through careless or unnecessary exposure is a positive contribution too. A case of they also helping, who only stay at home and stay quiet. Yes, staying quiet is also important. To not add yet another voice, another unqualified opinion to the babel of information and misinformation that is swirling around. Instead to hold on to the thought that some time soon, this too shall pass.

Sathya Saran


Author & Consulting Editor, Penguin Random House