
Owner of motorcycle used in Bangalore blast traced: Shinde


Tamil Nadu Police have managed to trace the owner of the motorcycle used in the Bangalore blast, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said Thursday. He ruled out any impact of the incident on the forthcoming Karnataka assembly elections.

"So far we have not come to any conclusion (regarding probe)... With the assistance of TN (Tamil Nadu) Police we have traced owner of motorcycle," Shinde told reporters here.

"I assure the nation that we will book the culprits. We have traced from where this bike was sold, including the main seller and the second and third party."

The home minister said he had no information on anybody being arrested in connection with the blast.

The central government, he said, had been alerting states for the last two-three months about possibilities of terrorist strikes.

Asked about the impact the blast can have on elections, Shinde said: "There is no question... election will be on time and there cannot be any confusion on this."

"Such incidents have taken place earlier and I don't think there is any confusion or delay in elections," he added.

Sixteen people were injured Wednesday in a bomb blast near the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) office in Bangalore.