
The New Indian Express Kedarnath Relief Fund

Express News Service


And readers responded

Collection of contributions to The New Indian Express Kedarnath Relief Fund closes today, August 31, 2013. The final list is being tabulated and will be published in our dailies soon. We have received suggestions from readers and others about the best way to use the fund. The general feeling is that, rather than forward it to the Prime Minister's or Chief Minister's Relief Fund, the money can be employed more purposefully for a specific project  such as, say, a choultry-cum-dormitory at Kedarnath. We will keep our readers informed of the progress of these plans.

As in the past, readers of The New Indian Express Group of Publications rose to the occasion when a crisis hit the nation. The call from Kedarnath has been heeded. We can all be proud. Within the Express family, we are also grateful to our readers, well-wishers and associates.

Manoj Kumar Sonthalia
Chairman & Managing Director