
Seeking Reservation in Jobs Jat Activists Disrupt Rail Traffic


Demanding reservation in jobs, activists of several Jat outfits today staged a 'dharna' and disrupted rail traffic on Hisar-Bhiwani line near Mayyar village here and on Ferozepur-Delhi railway track at Narwana town of Jind.

Addressing the gathering of Jats, a Jat leader M S Nain said that they would continue to block rail routes at various places in the state until their demand is met.

"The Jats are struggling for reservation for the last eight years, but the Government has failed to accept our demand so far," he said.

Activists of All India Jat Aarakshan Action Committee and Jat Khaps blocked the traffic on Hisar-Bhiwani line and halted Jaipur bound passenger train for about 20 minutes.

A Jat Khap panchayat had given a call to block rail traffic at Mayyar, Narwana, Siwani and Bawal in the state if the Centre did not take steps to grant reservation for the community in Central government jobs by February 28.

Meanwhile, District Magistrate M L Kaushik imposed Section 144, banning holding of dharna/meetings in Mayyar village for an indefinite period.