
Indian Mujahideen Fanning Communal Fire: NIA

Express News Service

The National Investigation Agency, which recently chargesheeted Indian Mujahideen (IM) co-founder Yasin Bhatkal and his close aide, has revealed that the terrorist outfit is actively involved in circulation of objectionable content through mobile networks and social media to incite communal violence across the country.

Sources said the IM’s cyber wing based in Pakistan has been uploading Jihadi content and fabricated images and videos on various sites.

The content, showing alleged atrocities against Muslims, was first detected by the intelligence agencies during Assam’s communal violence in August 2012.

During the ethnic violence, pictures taken during the Tibet and Thailand earthquake were morphed to be shown as victims of violence in Myanmar and Assam. The images were circulated to fan communal fire in different parts of the country where north-easterners were living.

The NIA investigation, which laid bare the role of IM in circulating the doctored images and videos through social networking sites, indicated that after the arrest of senior operatives, the outfit has been making attempts to foment communal tension in various parts of the country.

“The tech-savvy terrorists are waging online war by misusing social networking sites and various applications freely available for mobile chat. They are circulating fabricated evidences using proxy servers to disguise the origin of IP address, to inflame the passion of Muslims,” Sources added.