
Modi Speaks to New Afghan CEO, Assures India's Support


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today congratulated Abdullah Abdullah on his assumption of office as Afghanistan's new CEO and expressed confidence that under his leadership that country will move ahead on the path of peace, prosperity and development.

Modi, who spoke to newly-elected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani yesterday, made a telephonic call to Abdullah and assured India's full support to the government and people of Afghanistan in their efforts to build a strong, peaceful, inclusive, prosperous and democratic country.    

On his part, Abdullah expressed gratitude for his message of congratulation and also congratulated Modi on his resounding victory in the elections and wished him success in leading India in its emergence as a global power.     

Abdullah said the government and people of Afghanistan have always looked to India as a friend and that he looks forward to working closely with the Prime Minister in the coming years.     

"The Prime Minister recalled Abdullah Abdullah's long association with India and his immense contribution to peace, progress and unity of Afghanistan. He lauded the wisdom and sagacity of the people and leadership of Afghanistan in ensuring a historic and peaceful political transition which would enable them to more effectively address the challenges of terrorism and extremism," an official release said here.   

Modi reiterated his invitation to Abdullah to undertake a visit to India, to which the Afghan leader said that he looked forward to meeting the Prime Minister soon.

Abdullah was sworn in as CEO last month after he agreed to share power with his political rival Ashraf Ghani, who became the new president of Afghanistan.         

The post of CEO is equivalent to that of a Prime Minister and was created last month under the power-sharing agreement between Ghani and Abdullah to end a deadlock over poll results.