
There is Nothing Wrong in Wearing Mini Dress, They Are Not Obscene: Radhe Maa

Online Desk

The controversial ‘god woman’ ‘Radhe Maa’ defended herself in the dowry harrasment allegations and as well as explained about the red mini dress which became the talk of the town.

Speaking to Times of India, Radhe Maa said that she was on a trip with some of her devotees who are close to her. She told “they gave me those clothes and wanted me to wear them. There is nothing wrong in those clothes nor are they obscene. And who told you sadhus and sadhvis have to dress in a particular manner? I listen to my bhakts and if they are happy I am happy.”

The controversial godwoman was answering through her spokesperson Sanjeev Gupta that when she was 'deep in meditation' and she would wear anything her devotees give her and allow them to dress her up and apply make up aswell.

Responding to the leaked images, she said that some of the people wanted to malign her by deliberately spreading them in media. She even said that it was wrong on the part of media for doing so and is 'very offended by this behaviour.'

Radhe Maa denied the dowry harrasment allegations and says that she doesn't even know Nikki Gupta (the woman who filed the complaint).