
A Piece of History: India's Independence Announcement in 'Indian Express'

Online Desk

"As the clock chimed twelve, conches blew, thunderous applause and cries of Mahatma-Gandhi-Ki-Jai greeted the birth of freedom " — read the first few lines of The Indian Express on August 16,1947. This is quite not how India's Independence Days are celebrated in India today, but relating to the sentiment quoted above is not hard.

“On this historic day when India takes her place as a Free and Independent Dominion in the British Commonwealth of Nations, I send you all my greetings and heartfelt wishes” was the beginning of Lord Mountbatten’s long speech to the Indian Constituent Assembly on August 16, 1947.

This message from ‘His Excellency’ during which he asked to be relieved from India, was one among the many things that marked the Indian Independence 69 years ago; this was one among the many things that also marked the end of the 200 years of colonial rule.

Swearing-in ceremonies of President Dr Rajendra Prasad, Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, Governor General, and other Ministers took place on this day.

India has been enjoying its share of freedom ever since. India has been free from the shackles of the British Raj. Quite a feat by the forefathers who fought arduously for the day which is celebrated by proudly hoisting the Tricolour across the country.

Madras made its own niche in this historic event with the flag hoisting at Fort St. George where a huge gathering awaited the National Flag to fly aloft. Many other historic buildings in the city had hoisted the tricolour marking the celebration of this much-awaited day.

Today marks the 69th year in the successful journey of this democratic nation. With a long way to go, India celebrates its freedom once again with the same patriotic spirits, and undying love for the country.