
Accused Held in Mirzapur Gang-Rape


MIRZAPUR: Confirming the detention of the two accused in the Mirzapur gang-rape case in which a Class 11 student committed suicide, Superintendent of Police Arvind Sen on Sunday said the accused has been held following a complaint lodged by kin of the victim.

“A girl has committed suicide, and her kin alleged that she was gangraped. A case has been registered and the accused have been detained,” said Sen.

“A panel of two doctors is conducting the post-mortem of the body, which will be videoed and action will be taken on the basis of the report,” he added.

Rajkumari, the victim’s mother, alleged: “Her daughter was abducted by two youths when she was sleeping in their house in Shivgarh village under Padari police station on Wednesday night. The accused took her to a field and gangraped her.”

“However, unable to bear the agony, her daughter committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling of the house on Friday night,” she added.

Rajkumari said when her daughter informed her about the gangrape, she took her to the Padari police station, where the victim told the sub-inspector that she could identify the accused, and he assured her that the accused would be brought to justice.

“My daughter told me how she would face people now, and how I would fight for justice, as we are poor. And, she committed suicide,” said Rajkumari, who is a member Block Development Committee (BDC).

“One of the accused is a brother of a BDC aspirant, who was defeated in the last election, while the other is his accomplice,” said Sen.

Sen said action would be taken after they receive the post-mortem report.

However, he refused to comment on the issue of rivalry between Rajkumari and the defeated BDC aspirant.