
BJP Goes to Kejriwal's IRS Roots to Question Him on Donation Row


NEW DELHI: Training its gun on Arvind Kejriwal over the donation controversy, BJP today asked how the AAP leader, despite being in the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), "could not" identify the standard method used for alleged "round-tripping of black money" to his party.       

"How could Arvind Kejriwal, especially since he himself was part of the Political Affairs Committee, which approved such high donation values (four donations) of Rs 50 lakh each could not find out the standard method used for round-tripping of black money to his party? Or was this a case of quid pro quo?" the BJP asked.        

Posing yet another bunch of five questions for the AAP leader, Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said he (Kejriwal) persistently continues his "misleading propaganda" of engaging with people in participatory democracy.    

The BJP also alleged that the claim made by AAP leader that during his 49-day government that corruption had come down was "false" as "no such survey was conducted" by the Transparency International, which the party had based its claim on.

She asked Kejriwal as to what was the relationship of his party with an industrial house, which is allegedly involved in coal scam.  

Finally, she asked what was the relationship between Kejriwal and Congress party as AAP leader Yogendra Yadav was part of Congress President Sonia Gandhi's National Advisory Council and Kejriwal himself used to attend those meetings.