
BJP Should Follow Advani's Example, Ask Ministers to Quit: Sharad


NEW DELHI: president Sharad Yadav today asked BJP to follow the example of its senior leader L K Advani, who had resigned as an MP after his name appeared in the Hawala case, and said it should ask its Union minister and chief ministers facing graft charges to quit.

With Parliament being stalled by the opposition demanding resignations of Union Minister Sushma Swaraj and Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh chief ministers Vasundhara Raje and Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Yadav said their resignation would not prove their involvement in the scams and that they can come back, if cleared in probe.

"I am surprised as to why the BJP government is not following the example of their own L K Advani who resigned, and I too, when our names appeared in Hawala scandal.

"The government should understand that the responsibility lies on them to run the House and heaven is not going to fall if the alleged ministers and chief ministers resign because they can join back after being exonerated," Yadav said in a statement.

He said when the UPA was in power, the opposition had united to demand resignations of its tainted ministers and normal work resumed in Parliament only after they quit.

"The same precedent should be followed in the case of the present Union minister and chief ministers whose names have appeared in one or the other case and are being discussed daily in the media," he said.