
Budget Session of Parliament Prorogued


NEW DELHI: The Budget Session of Parliament which was adjourned sine die yesterday was prorogued today.

Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats came out with separate notifications saying the President has prorogued the two Houses.

The session had seen passage of record official business in recent years but the government failed to ensure passage of the controversial Land Acquisition Bill as also key reform measure of GST amid stiff resistance from Opposition.

With the session getting prorogued, decks are clear for the re-promulgation of the land ordinance. It was promulgated in December and later re-promulgated carrying the 10 official amendments cleared by the Lok Sabha during the Budget session. The Rajya Sabha was prorogued during the recess period to enable government bring out the ordinance.

The land bill has been referred to a Joint Committee of Parliament which has been asked to give its report on day one of Monsoon session. The government was forced to refer the issue to the joint panel as it lacks numbers in Rajya Sabha.

This Budget Session has proved to be most productive during the last decade with the Lok Sabha working 117 per cent of the scheduled working hours and the Rajya Sabha reported a productivity of 101 per cent, the government has said.