
Targeting Civilians in Ceasefire Violations by Pakistan Unethical: Army


NAGROTA: With no let up in ceasefire violations by Pakistan, the Indian Army today said the targeting of civilian population along the Line of Control(LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir was "immoral and unethical".      

As Pakistani troops violated the ceasefire twice today by firing and shelling on forward posts along the LoC in two sectors of Poonch district, a top Army commander said Indian army doesn't violate agreements but is forced to retaliate to Pakistan's cross-border shelling. "We are of the opinion here specially in our country that it (targeting civilian areas) is immoral and unethical. It does not behove of the professional army (Pak), who are targeting the civilian areas that much I can say about this," General Officer Commanding (GoC) 16 Corps Lt Gen R R Nimbhorkar told reporters here.      

Pakistani troops have violated the ceasefire 17 times in September this year, according to an army official.  "Our Army is ethical--our army is professional. We do not believe in having abrogating any agreements (truce agreement) which we have. But if the adversary indulges in it (firing and shelling), we are forced to retaliate in a proper manner," Gen Nimbhorkar said.    

He was replying to questions on targeting of border people by Pakistani troops during ceasefire violations and retaliation by the Indian Army. Asked about possible reasons behind the repeated firing by Pakistan, Gen Nimbhorkar said "as far as firing is concerned, there does not seem to be any reason. We cannot say as to why it's going on."

"It is unprovoked firing by our adversaries, where they are doing it inspite of various talks held recently. It acutally does not sound very logical. Therefore this thing is continuing for quite some time and we also give appropriate retaliation," he added.  

Replying to the question whether infiltration is the reason for resorting to ceasefire violations, he said that it is the one of the modes operandi which he has always maintained.  "But it surprises me, when we look towards last 2-3 years, we are so strong on the anti-infiltration obstacle system that there has been no infiltration," he said.            

"So therefore to give cover fire to those people (militants), who will in any case not be successful in infiltration bids. It is illogical to me."  Pakistani troops resorted to firing with automatic weapons and mortar shelling on forward posts along the LoC in Krishnagati sector from 0710 hours, a Defence Spokesman said, adding they fired 82 mm mortar bombs.   They also fired from automatic weapons on forward posts along the LoC in Balakote sector from 1820 hours to 2100 hours last night, the spokesman said.    

Troops guarding the LoC retaliated resulting in exchanges, he said, adding firing was on when reports last came in from the area. The ceasefire violations by Pakistan are continuing though it agreed with India during the recent DG-level talks between Pakistani Rangers and the Border Security Force in Delhi on the need to bring peace at border.