
JNU Row: SC Questions Police on Presence of Unsolicited Persons


NEW DELHI: Supreme Court today questioned Delhi Police over the presence of some unsolicited persons in black robes in a courtroom where JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar was allegedly assaulted before being produced in the sedition case.

"Why they were allowed? Why the police did not take any action? The whole situation was tense and high-voltage drama was going on from Patiala court to this court.

"If police force is acting like this then they (petitioner Kamini Jaiswal) are justified in seeking relevant inquiry," a bench comprising Justices J Chelameswar and A M Sapre said.

The observation came when senior advocate Ajit Sinha, appearing for the police, referred to the report of Delhi High Court Registrar General to drive home the point that on February 17, no unsolicited persons were allowed inside court number four of Patiala House Courts where Kanhaiya was to be produced.

He said two persons in black robes were present in other courtroom where the accused and accompanying cops stayed before the judicial proceedings that took place in another room.

Later, police found out about the persons who turned outto be lawyers, he said.

At the outset, senior advocate KTS Tulsi, appearing for lawyer N D Jaiprakash who alleged that he was beaten in the Patiala House Courts, said the police connived with some accused lawyers who assaulted his client and mediapersons.

"You allege that you were personally attacked. Tell us, what reliefs which you are seeking? Don't talk about all the things," the bench said.

The bench then heard lawyer Prashant Bhushan, representing Jaiswal, who sought an SIT probe and initiation of contempt action against three lawyers who were allegedly caught on camera "bragging and boasting" that they had beaten up the JNUSU President and others, including journalists, in the lower court complex.

The apex court has now posted the matter for further hearing on April 22.