
Benami wealth is the next target in war on corruption, says Modi

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NEW DELHI: The war on black money will soon move to the next phase and target benami property holders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi indicated on Sunday.

Delivering his last Mann Ki Baat episode of the year, the Prime Minister said that a stringent law against benami property would become operational in the coming days.

“I sincerely assure you that this is in no way going to be a full stop. This is just the beginning. We have to win this battle and the question of feeling exhausted or stopping simply does not arise. For the benefit of the nation, for the benefit of the people, whatever needs to be done will be accorded our top priority,” he said in his over 30-minute address.

“You are possibly aware of the law on benami property in our country which came into being in 1988, but neither were its rules ever framed, nor was it notified. It just lay dormant gathering dust. We have retrieved it and turned it into an incisive law. In the coming days, this will also become operational,” he added.

“It was my earnest wish that the ongoing campaign against corruption and black money, including the realm of political parties and political funding, be discussed extensively in Parliament. Had the House functioned properly, there would have been comprehensive deliberation,” he said attacking the opposition for disrupting the winter session.

The Prime Minister also said the reports about political parties enjoying tax exemptions were just rumours.