
With 30 Percent of Women Viewers, India Ranks Third in Porn Viewership: Survey

Online Desk

With Internet services increasing across the country and world, porn websites were surfed at a rate of 75 GB per second in the year 2015.

India stands at third place followed by the United Kingdom and the United States of America in terms of porn viewership. Canada and Germany stands at fourth and Fifth position, respectively.

The average time spent per visit on the porn websites by India is approximately nine minutes and 30 seconds. Whereas, it is nine minutes and 51 seconds for the US and nine minutes and 18 seconds for the UK.

According to a survey conducted by the prominent porn website, Pornhub, visitors' traffic is affected by the public holidays, as in case of India, it tanked by 15 percent on Ramadan in the year 2014.

The website also released data based on a survey which showed that the traffic is maximum during the night hours from 10 p.m., to 12 a.m.

The traffic can also be seen more mostly during the weekends, mostly on the Saturday afternoons, revealed the survey.