
Sheena Bora case: Judicial custody of all accused extended till June 6


MUMBAI: The judicial custody of all accused in the Sheena Bora murder case was on Tuesday extended till June 6.

Earlier today, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sought time to file a reply on driver Shyamvar Rai’s application to be approver in a Special CBI court in Mumbai.

The hearing in the Special CBI court has been deferred till June 6.

Shyamvar Rai, the former driver of Indrani Mukerjea and Peter Mukherjee on May 11 told a special CBI court in Mumbai that he wants to turn approver and disclose certain truths about the commission of the offence.

Rai had last week written a two-page letter to the court, stating that he wants to reveal the truth and had sought pardon in the case.

The driver also told the court that he was under no pressure, threat or coercion to reveal the facts in the case and added that he was repentant for his act.

The court had extended the judicial custody of Indrani, Peter, Rai and Sanjeev Khanna till today.

Indrani along with her husband Peter, former husband Khanna and former driver Shyamvar Rai is an accused in the murder case of her daughter Sheena Bora in 2012.

While former media baron Peter was arrested in November 2015 for hiding and destroying evidences in the murder case, Indrani and two others were arrested by the police in August 2015 and continue to be in custody since.

Media magnate Peter Mukerjea, a co-accused in the case, had earlier in March moved a fresh bail plea before a special CBI court, calling the allegations levelled against him as "false, baseless and unbelievable".

He also put the onus on his wife Indrani, saying that she was highly ambitious and was willing to go to any length for that.

In the bail application, Peter claimed it was not him, but Indrani, who objected to Rahul and Sheena's relationship. He had also denied the allegation of being informed by Indrani about the murder and stated that the said calls were made by Indrani to her daughter Vidhie.

The media honcho was arrested on November 19 last year for his alleged role in the murder conspiracy in which his wife Indrani Mukerjea is the prime accused.