
Soldier held with two grenades at Srinagar airport granted bail

Fayaz Wani

SRINAGAR: An army man was arrested with two grenades at Srinagar airport by Jammu and Kashmir police’s anti-hijacking squad on Monday.  He was later granted bail by the court.

The army man has told his interrogators that the grenades were handed over to him by his officer, “Major sahib” for transporting to Delhi.

A police official said anti-hijacking squad detected and recovered two grenades in the baggage of army man Bhupal Mukhia of Darjeeling, West Bengal during a screening at Srinagar airport today.

The soldier, who belongs to 17 JAK Rifles and posted near Line of Control (LoC) in Uri, was to board a Delhi-bound flight.

The soldier was arrested and questioned by police officials, the official said adding the grenades recovered from the army man are used for training purposes.

He said the soldier told his interrogators during questioning that he had received the packet from his officer, “Major sahib”.

“He (soldier) said the Major sahib had told him to hand over the packet containing two grenades to someone at Delhi airport,” the official said.

The official said they were verifying the claim of the arrested soldier.

“Further investigation is going on,” he said.

Defence spokesman in Srinagar, Colonel Rajesh Kalia told New Indian Express that the soldier was granted bail by the court, where he was produced by the police.

He said the army has ordered a court of inquiry to probe the whole episode.

“Action will be taken against the soldier as per due process of law,” he said.

J&K Director General of Police S P Vaid told New Indian Express that since grenades were recovered from the soldier, a case under arms act has been registered against the army man.

Asked whether police will question the army officials named by the soldier during questioning, he said, “Whatever legal action is needed will be taken by police”.

Today’s incident was the second incident when ammunition was recovered from army man at Srinagar airport.

Earlier, in February this year, an army man P K Gouda of Bihar was arrested from Srinagar Airport after security men recovered 15 rounds from his possession during screening while he was to board New-Delhi bound Indigo flight.