
India gears up for 70th Independence Day; additional security deployed

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MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: As the nation gears up to observe the 70th Independence Day, security has been beefed up across the country, aiming to ensure a seamless feat of celebration for its countrymen.
In Mumbai, security has been tightened ahead of the big day, with a greater level of scrutiny being exercised by the police personnel. Barricades have been placed in major junctions with greater emphasis on patrolling.
In the national capital, posters of ' wanted terrorists' have been issued by a Special Cell of the Delhi police, which are displayed in all prominent locations. 
The posters carried photos of absconding Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Indian Mujahideen (IM) and Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) terrorists.
As a mark of celebration, the Gateway of India in all its grandeur is lit up, portraying various phases of the Independence struggle.
Meanwhile, major monuments in the national capital are also beautified to mark the historic day.
In Coimbatore, a miniature artist designed images of freedom fighters and leaders on a custard apple, and the map of India and the tricolor on a watermelon and brinjal respectively.
India will celebrate its 70th Independence Day on Tuesday, 15 August.  The function is to be held at the Red Fort, in the august presence of Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi  Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who will be the Chief Guest.  
All the rehearsals of the Independence Day eve are been closely supervised by the Police personnel through CCTV.
Delhi Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Jatin Narwal told ANI, "The security arrangements required for the Independence Day celebrations in coordinated way are in place. Our security preparation is adequate enough to overcome any type of situation."
He further said that the police department has completed the Census of Residential Verification in the entire local region.
The DCP also assured tight security which would be controlled by the CCTV (Closed-circuit television) cameras.
"Exact number of CCTV cameras cannot be revealed, but we have enough cameras to control to supervise the function," he added.
Earlier the Delhi Police in a statement said, "It has been reported that certain criminal, anti-social elements or terrorists, inimical to India may pose a threat to the safety of the general public, dignitaries and vital installations by the use of sub-conventional aerial platforms like para-gliders, para-motors, hang-gliders, UAVs, UASs, microlight aircrafts, remotely piloted aircrafts, hot air balloons, small size powered aircrafts, quadcopters or even by para-jumping from aircraft and others."
The statement further announced the prohibition of flying of such objects on the occasion of Independence Day Celebration in the national capital and doing so shall be punishable under law.
The statement further read, "This order shall remain in force till October 15 unless withdrawn earlier."