
Rahul questions PM’s credibility, gets it from BJP

Amit Agnihotri , Manish Anand

NEW DELHI:  A day after Congress president Rahul Gandhi gracefully conceded defeat in the Gujarat Assembly elections, he poked Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying he had a ‘credibility problem’ over development claims in his home State, which snowballed into a slugfest between the Congress and the BJP.

While Modi called it a mandate for development and said it put a stamp on GST, “He did not speak about development, GST and noteban in his election speeches. It has raised questions about Modi ji’s credibility. Frankly, Modi ji has a credibility problem,” a beaming Rahul told the media. The Gujarat result, Rahul said, was a big jolt to the BJP and showed that Modi’s anger will not work and that it can be defeated by love.

H R D m i n i s t e r Prakash Javadekar came out with the BJP’s counter saying the Congress leader was under illusion. Noting the BJP won Gujarat for the sixth straight time, he asserted that the party would win in Congress-ruled Karnataka next year also.

“The Congress employed divisive tactics in Gujarat by resorting to casteism. Yet, the BJP won the State on the basis of the development credentials of the PM,” he said.