
Who is benefitting from Kashmir conflict? RSS, Pak & China: Rahul Gandhi

Ejaz Kaiser

RAIPUR: Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP-ruled Chhattisgarh government for “depriving tribal people of their rights over jal, jungle and zameen”.

He blamed the BJP on “fomenting unrest and a tussle” among the Indians whether it is Jammu and Kashmir, Northeast, Haryana. “It is the BJP and RSS who reaped mileage from the conflict in Kashmir where the violence is equally benefitting Pakistan and China,” he said while interacting with tribal students and youth in ‘Amcho Haque’ (My Rights) programme held in Jagdalpur.

While addressing a huge gathering of mostly tribals in Bastar on ‘Jan Adhikar Sabha’ (people’s rights meeting), he trained guns on the BJP and RSS on outsourcing of jobs, unemployment and privatisation.
“The scope of employment in Chhattisgarh has been outsourced. Why? The deprived poor tribals from Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand then move out to work in the homes of rich people in Delhi and big metros. Such is the future given by the RSS and the BJP. Development should be for all and everyone -- tribals, poor, dalits or OBCs should be entitled for employment in Chhattisgarh”, he insisted.

Citing demonetisation, he said that in the name of curbing “black money”, PM Modi didn’t think of the poor who carry only cash and consequently had to struggle a lot. “Everyone knows that the black money stashed abroad either in swiss banks or invested in real estate. The RBI is still unsure how much money it got after demonetisation. So, all the black money (owned by crooks) in the country were changed (replaced) by the Modi government,” Rahul Gandhi continued his tirade against the Centre.

“RSS and BJP show only big dreams. Small traders who always supported BJP are now unhappy claiming that the BJP has ruined their business through demonetisation and Goods & Services Tax (GST)”, Rahul Gandhi said.

On the issue of land aquisition, Rahul Gandhi said that the villagers give their land for the growth of the country but after the project failed to take off the poor tribals didn’t get back their land. He cited Tata Group that withdrew their mega steel project from Bastar.