
Bribe taking video goes viral; traffic police official suspended

From our online archive

SRINAGAR: An officer of the Jammu and Kashmir Traffic police was today suspended after a video, showing him taking a bribe from a truck driver, went viral in social media here.     

The video, shot with a mobile phone, has garnered more than 80,000 views in about seven hours after it was loaded on a social networking site.   

In the minute long video, the police officer hints the driver to pay a bribe to avoid getting fined for wearing a 'Pheran' (traditional Kashmiri cloak worn during winter).     

The driver had questioned the police officer detaining his vehicle as he claimed to have all the documents in order.     

"I will photograph you and send it to the judge along with the challan. I will tell him (Judge) that he (driver) is driving an LP (long platform) truck wearing a pheran," the officer tells the driver before striking an amiable chord with the driver.     

"We have friendship with you (drivers). Why should we fine you?" the officer says as the driver pulls out a currency note and hands it to him.     

The police officer then let the driver go without imposing any fine.     SSP Traffic Rural Aijaz Ahmad said the erring cop has been identified and placed under suspension.     

He said an inquiry has also been ordered into the allegation against the officer.