
How can you score over 650 in NEET 2019

From our online archive

On the challenging path to clear NEET 2019, definitely, all of us aim to score above 650. If you aim to attain this score, then you need to fasten your seatbelts now and get going! With a lot of hard work, dedication, and the right guidance, you can definitely achieve it. You can surely secure a rank among the top 100, scoring above 650. All you have to do is to go through these levels.

From September to December

During this level, you must have complete knowledge about the NEET 2019 syllabus, which also includes the topics covered in Class 11 and 12 syllabi. 

From January To February

During this time you can join a good test series that provides test analysis, revision lists etc. You can begin by taking subject wise test series so that you know your strengths and weaknesses. Revise topics which feel are your most difficult. Also, you can revise what is left of your syllabus and those that require more memorization. Avoid distractions including social media but taking part in extracurricular activities exercising regularly is a great stress buster.

March and April

You must focus on your board exams.  Whenever you have any doubt on a paper or topic you must make it a priority and clear them before it's too late. You must be very sincere to your revisions and try to use a quiet room when you take on mock tests and other sample papers at home. Motivation is key during the last moments during preparations. You must try to be in company with people who can keep you happy and avoid negative conversations.

(This story was orgianally published in edexlive)