
SC judgement on Sabarimala has opened a Pandora's Box, says Salman Khurshid

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BHUBANESWAR: Senior Congress leader and former Union minister Salman Khurshid today questioned the Supreme Court's Sabarimala verdict saying that it has opened a pandora's box. In the light
of the judgment, the country may have to re-examine many of its philosophical commitments.

Participating on the panel discussion on 'Why does religion matter so much' at the seventh edition of the Odisha Literary Festival organised by The New Indian Express here, Khurshid said the judgement cannot last for long and may be in the next ten years a larger bench of the Apex court will have to decide on it again.

Concurring with justice Indu Malhotra, who delivered the dissenting judgement, the senior leader said rationality cannot be imposed on faith. “Either have faith or not have faith. You cannot say this is faith or this is not faith,” he said and added, “Who is anyone to say you have faith and I will respect it but
this is your faith. This question will have to be decided by people who have faith," he said.

Khurshid said the four judges who delivered the majority judgement only said that not letting women to go to temple is not an essential part of Hinduism. They have not said that they would have disallowed women into the temple if it was essential part of Hinduism.

Referring to the dissenting judgement, Khurshid said quoting justice Malhotra that whatever is essential part cannot be removed and rationality cannot be imposed on faith. “I think people who believe
religion is a tool to play with are playing with fire because this country will have to rework many of its philosophical commitments,” he said and added, “I believe if we continue to think religion in its narrowest term we would have missed the bus.”

Rajya Sabha member and honorary director of the India Policy Foundation Rakesh Sinha, however, welcomed the Supreme court judgement on Sabarimala and said that it will lead to justice, dignity and
equality. “When any dharma or religion goes for gender inequality that needs to be fought,” he said and added rationality is the very basis of Dharma or religion.