
Gandhi family involved in ‘sweetheart deals’: Jaitley

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NEW DELHI:  Finance  minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday accused the Gandhi family of being involved in the ‘capital creating scheme’ by doing ‘sweetheart deals’ with erstwhile FTIL Ltd, promoted by Jignesh Shah and Unitech Ltd, led by Sanjay Chandra, both accused of financial fraud.Jaitley on Wednesday wrote a blog accusing the Gandhi family of being involved in real estate transactions with two companies accused in the NSEL scam and 2G scam.

“A company called FTIL, whose owner is Jignesh Shah. He was in commodities exchange. He has taken money from investors and never returned,” Jaitley said.The blog was in the light of a media report claiming Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had signed a lease agreement for a farmhouse in Delhi’s Mehrauli with a company owned by Jignesh Shah, an accused in the `5,600 crore NSEL scam in 2013.

The report had also claimed that Rahul Gandhi had entered into a lease agreement with 2G scam-accused and Unitech founder Sanjay Chandra in 2010.

“The developer he got was involved in the 2G investigation. It wasn’t rocket science for Rahul Gandhi to identify the scamsters he was dealing with,” Jaitley said. “In simple English, these are called sweetheart deals,” he added.“To not answer on ‘Cash for Vote’ scandal and put a lid on the 180 lakh allegedly recovered from the carcade of BJP CM Pema Khandu, Arun Jaitley has rehashed fake allegations,” Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala said.