
Now, Maharashtra minister wants questions on Constitution Preamble in exams  

Sudhir Suryawanshi

MUMBAI: After making reading the Preamble compulsory during the prayer meet in schools, Maharashtra minister now wants prayer assemblies in the schools to be made compulsory. 

Maharashtra Industries Minister Subhash Desai has written to the school and education minister Varsha Gaikwad saying recitation of  “Saurbhom Sanvidhanache Janhit Sarvache”( constitution is sovereign and welfare of all) program should be initiated in all primary and higher secondary schools in Maharashtra.  

Subhash Desai explaining the importance of anthem said that in every book the ‘national anthem’ should always be on the front page of the book.

“Along with reading of the Preamble of Constitution, the school education department should mandate two things — national anthem and Preamble as part of the syllabus. And, questions should be asked about the same in the exams,” the minister said.

“Once it is part of examination papers, then students will start taking it seriously. They will also discuss its national importance. That will help them be good citizen,” Desai stated in his letter.

The school education department confirmed and said, “We have forwarded this letter for to the administration for consideration and asked to call the meeting with all stakeholders. Once it is approved in our meeting. It will be brought into effect,” said education department officer requesting anonymity.