
NIPER scientist develops immunity booster herbal tea to combat COVID-19

Harpreet Bajwa

SAS NAGAR: A scientist working in Mohali-based National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) has developed a herbal tea that enhances personal immunity against any viral infection or its spread. It will soon be launched in the market.

Dr. Sanjay Jachak, the NIPR scientist who developed the herbal tea, said he used 'Rasayana' methodology from Charak and Sushrut Sanhita in Ayurveda to create a suitable combination of herbs.

"The selection of herbs was based on ‘Rasayana’ concept described in Ayurveda. Rasayana means rejuvenation and the Rasayana herbs described in Ayurveda help to increase the immunity of a person to keep him away from disease. Thus, the selected herbs have long been used in various ayurvedic formulations and are known for their immunomodulatory effects. These herbs act at the cellular immunity level and boost the immune response generated by our body to fight viral diseases," Dr. Jachak said.

Dr Sanjay Jachak, who is heading the department of Natural Products at NIPER, further says: "Low or weak immunity makes a person more vulnerable to viral infections such as COVID-19. As no vaccine is available yet for the disease, it is important to strengthen the immunity of people. Keeping this in mind, we thought of developing immune-boosting herbal tea."

According to Dr. Jachak, a strong immune system protects individuals and has the ability to neutralize and eliminate pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and their toxic products. Modulation of immune response could provide a substitute for anti-viral or anti-microbial drugs. Herbs are known to possess immunomodulatory properties which mean that they produce both specific and nonspecific immune responses

This immune-booster herbal tea, Dr. Jachak said, is aimed at modulating the immune response in the body so that it may be used as a preventive remedy to tackle the ongoing crisis of coronavirus infection.

NIPER has prepared a combination of six locally available herbs that are mixed in carefully selected proportions keeping in mind their action as an immunity enhancer, sensory appeal, ease of preparation, and acceptable palatability.

He further adds that the formula of the herbal tea has been designed in such a way to achieve maximum immune-boosting effects. "One can take the tea three times a day. The children and aged persons in the family can consume the tea without any problem. To drink this tea, one should first boil water puts tea in it for five minutes then filter it and afterward drinks it. It is soothing on the throat and can help the body to fight seasonal flu."

It is an in-house preparation with all the herbs collected from the NIPER medicinal plant garden. "It took 15 day for us to make this tea. We will start the sale of these tea packs, which will be available in 100 and 200 grams, from the outlet at the gate of the campus in two weeks, and in three months we will launch the product in the market."